
For JSC MINUDOBRENIYA environmental protection is one of the important prerequisites for the successful operation of the enterprise and an important part of daily work. The staff of JSC MINUDOBRENIYA considers it fundamental to adhere to the strategy of preserving the ecological environment at the same time as solving numerous production tasks. Managers at all levels take a consistent principled position on environmental policy issues.

The basic principles of our work:

— compliance with the requirements of federal, regional and local legislation regulating the Company activities in the field of environmental protection;

— implementation of modern technologies, equipment and materials resulting in a reduction in the specific consumption of natural resources, specific emissions, discharges of pollutants into the environment, the formation and disposal of wastes;

— environmental support of investment and construction projects at all stages of their implementation, including the development of environmental documentation for both newly built and revamped facilities, the release of new types of products;

— environmental monitoring in the area of the enterprise location;

— involvement of each employee of the enterprise into the process of environmental quality management, continuous training and motivation of employees.

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